Cesc Fabregas has managed to score 3 goals

In 28 Premier League appearances CescFabregas has managed to score 3 goals and provide 16 assists which is a higher amount of assists than in any other seasons that the Spanish midfielder has managed to provide for any of his clubs.

During these last few months and weeks that are remaining in the Premier League, the influence that Fabregas has made for Chelsea has started to fade away but he is still considered to be one of the best players in this season.

Back when Fabregas used to perform for Barcelona, he was given the role of No.10 but now with Chelsea things have changed as Jose Mourinho puts the Spanish midfielder further behind in the pitch and this is one of the reasons on why Fabregas believes that he has been performing so much better and Chelsea have improved a lot more as well.

The 27 year old midfielder said: “Where I am playing right now is the position I like the most because I feel I can dictate the play and I feel in control. At Barcelona, I was playing as a false nine, as a No.10, everything except what I felt was my best position, but I was feeling comfortable because we had a great team and great players, so it was going well.” Read More